Peach trees are particularly sensitive to calcium, and calcium deficiency not only causes softening and rot in the ventral line, but also decreases the hardness of the entire peach. The taste deteriorates and the resistance to storage decreases. There are two ways to absorb calcium, one is root absorption, and the other is leaf absorption. In recent years, some fruit farmers have used large amounts of organic fertilizer, especially chicken manure. Organic fertilizer is not fermented. After it is applied to the soil, a large amount of heat is generated during the fermentation process, which burns out the young roots of the peach tree, greatly affecting the absorption capacity of the root, weakening the tree body, causing premature aging and even death. The absorption of calcium. Foliar calcium effects are generally less obvious. This is very much related to the type of calcium fertilizer used on the foliage because calcium is less mobile in the crop. It is recommended that the best choice of foliar calcium mannitol chelated calcium, glycosides, calcium or fruit and vegetable calcium, etc., these calcium in the tree body can be up and down about the conduction, so that the surface of the calcium can be transmitted to the fruit, increased calcium The effect of use.
In addition, peach cracking and calcium deficiency also have a certain relationship, increase calcium fertilizer can make the peel hard, increase toughness, to prevent cracking fruit also have a certain effect.
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