Research confirms that lack of sleep will alter human brain activity
August 25, 2016 Source: Technology Daily
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The circadian rhythm allows us to perceive the changes in the environment caused by the Earth's rotation and ensure our sleep, but this does not explain why humans need sleep. In theory, sleep can regulate the strength of the connection of neurons. Drosophila experiments have shown that sleep is closely related to its neuronal activity, and that the cells that are deprived of sleep for a long time have consistently reduced their ability to respond to repeated stimuli. However, despite the common basal sleep characteristics of Drosophila and mammals, it is still difficult to test in humans, especially the connection strength of neurons, which in turn has a very important influence on learning and memory. verification.
This time, Christopher Nissen of the University of Freiburg Medical Center in Germany and colleagues compared the brain activity of 20 subjects who slept overnight and stayed asleep. The experimental team aimed to control the motor's brain region, the motor cortex, using magnetic pulses to stimulate neurons in the brain of the subject. They found that subjects who were deprived of sleep had a significantly lower pulse intensity in the left hand, which indicated that the brain was more excitatory in the absence of sleep. In addition, the authors found that neuronal activity-dependent connections were less variable in subjects deprived of sleep. Subjects deprived of sleep also performed poorly in memory words, and their levels of BDNF in blood samples decreased, and BDNF is a signaling molecule known to regulate synaptic plasticity.
Overall, these findings will help reveal the underlying mechanisms of sleep-induced changes in brain connectivity and memory, and are a step closer to the mystery of uncovering sleep.
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