Prevention and cure of cabbage soft rot

According to the general law, cabbage in our province is planted in the fall season and harvested before the snowfall, but this year's weather conditions are rather special. According to the statistics of the relevant departments of the Shandong Meteorological Observatory, the rainfall after the beginning of autumn is more in August, and the average precipitation in the whole province is 306.2 millimeters, which is 64% more than in previous years. In response to this situation, Liu Shiqi, director of the vegetable department of the College of Horticulture at Shandong Agricultural University, said that the temperature is relatively high before and after the beginning of autumn this year and it is easy to cause soft rot of cabbage. According to reports, cabbage root nodules also occurred in Jiaozhou and Liaocheng. So, how should these two diseases be controlled and prevented? Since the editor entered the month of October, the growth of Chinese cabbage has entered the period of glutinous rice buds. At this stage, it is a critical period for the harvest of Chinese cabbage, and it is also a period of large-scale occurrence of soft rot. There are three common conditions: Stem decay, rotting gourds and leaf decay.

1. Stem decay: Occurs initially at the base of the petiole of Chinese cabbage, which appears immersed at the beginning of the disease. After the oval spots appear, it gradually expands and softens, appearing dark gray, and finally the leaves completely rot and emit odors (this is different from Typical features of black rot.) When the majority of cabbage leaves were infected, the whole plant collapsed and died. This rot does not produce mold because the petiole shrinks.

2. Rotting gourd: The soft rot pathogen invades directly from the root of the seedling. Except for some seedlings dead, most of the injured seedlings only had deep leaf color, which made the growth of the whole plant slow, and when the water was flooded or the rainy weather brought about the lack of oxygen in the roots during the flooding period, the shortened stem of Chinese cabbage (commonly known as: Or gourd) rot of the pulpy tissue gives off odors. In the early stage of disease, the leaves of noon were noisy at daytime and recovered sooner or later. After a few days, the outer leaves of the plants were flat on the ground, and the leaves or leaves of the leaves were exposed and died.

3. Leaf rot: The pathogen spreads down from the wound of the petiole or the edge of the leaf blade or the top of the leaf ball. Most of the cabbage leaf leaves were harmed by pests. The damaged soft leaves were sticky, soft and rot-like, breaking and exposing the heart and leaves, and finally the entire leaf ball rotted. Conditions of soft rot disease: Soft rot pathogens mainly originate from the soil and invade the plants through rain and irrigation water. These wounds include man-made field operations (broken leaves), insect damage and the natural cracks of the cabbage itself. During the growing season, it is raining for a long time, the seedlings are excessive, the roots are deeply ploughed, and the soil is deprived of oxygen due to excessive watering. All of these provide invasive germs. Favorable conditions. According to experiments, the healing speed of Chinese cabbage at different growth stages is different: wounds at the seedling stage heal for 24 hours, and wounds can heal at 72 hours after the rosette period, so the onset is heavy.

In terms of prevention and control, the majority of vegetable farmers should not flood the land first, reduce surface water accumulation time, apply fertilizer in appropriate amounts, and use water to fertilize. Immediately before the watering, the diseased plants were removed and brought out of the vegetable field. The pathogens shall be filled with lime or bactericidal agent, such as agricultural anti- 751, etc., and then compacted to reduce the spread of water and other plants.

Followed by the use of chemical control: First, the use of 72% of agricultural streptomycin sulfate soluble powder 2000 times or neophytin 2000 times, sprayed every 7 days, and even spray 2 or 3 times. When spraying, potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be blended with 200 grams per mu. The soft rot pathogenic bacteria prefers the alkaline environment, and can add 500 to 800 ml of vinegar per acre in the prevention and treatment, which will help improve the disease resistance of plants. Second, use Feng Ling 250-150 grams of water per mu 50 kg, spray 1 to 2 times or use agricultural anti-751 2.5 to 5 liters per mu with water droplets into the vegetable field. Thirdly, the available Chinese cabbage preserving agent is 15 to 20 kg per 15 g of water and sprayed once during the growing period and the filling period of Chinese cabbage to enhance its cold resistance, drought resistance, and disease resistance. At the same time, it is also a soft rot of Chinese cabbage. Diseases such as black rot, downy mildew, and viral diseases have significant preventive effects. Fourthly, spray 1500 times liquid with a bacterial toad, spray once every 8 to 10 days, and spray twice.

In order to reduce the incidence of soft rot, when replanting Chinese cabbage in the coming year, the majority of vegetable growers should also pay attention to the following points: First, select disease-resistant varieties. Generally, long-tube type cabbage is more resistant to soft rot than Baotou vegetable; Appropriate late sowing; Third, half-high ridge planting, reducing the number of field operations and human trauma and mechanical damage.

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