Wolfberry subspecies

Subspecies species

1 Stellera sinensis

Also known as: heartbroken grass, bowl flowers, Shandan flowers, bored flowers, a fragrant.

Perennial herb, 20 to 40 cm tall. Root cylindrical. Stems clumped, smooth and glabrous, with several lower woody, brownish or red. Leaves alternate, denser; narrowly ovate to linear, 1 to 3 cm long, 2 to 10 mm wide, entire, glabrous on both surfaces; slightly leathery when old; petiole very short. Inflorescences terminal, ca. 2.5 cm in diam., many flowered; calyx often corolla-like, white or yellow, purple-red, calyx tube thin tubular, apex 5-lobed, lobes spreading, oblong to obovate; stamens 10, In 2 rows born in the throat; upper ovary, densely covered with hairs, style short, stigma capitate. The fruit is ovate, wrapped by the base of the floral tube. One seed. Flowering from May to June. [3] Born in high mountains and grasslands. Distribution northeast, north, northwest, southwest and other places.

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Perennial herb, 15 to 40 centimeters tall, all containing white milk. Root meat hypertrophy. The lower part of the stem is scaly, membranous, pale brown; middle and upper leaves 3 to 5 whorled, sessile; leaf blade oblong or oblong-ovate, 4 to 6.5 cm long, 1 to 3 cm wide. The tip is blunt or acute and the base is rounded. The cup-shaped cymes were terminal and arranged in a para-arranged shape; 5 umbrellas, 5 round basal bracts; each branch was divided into 3 branches with 3 triangular-ovate bracts at the branches, and apexes of branchlets. With two smaller cilia and one to three cup-shaped cymes; male and female flowers connate in a cup-shaped umbilicus, apex 5-cleft, 5-gland glands alternate with lobes; male flowers. Only stamen 1; female flowers only with pistil 1, ovary oblate, styles 3, apex shallowly split into 2 for as long as stigmas. Capsule flat spherical, with 3 longitudinal grooves, brown. Flowering from May to June. Fruit period from June to July. [3] Born on the slopes and sunny mountains. Distribution northeast and Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi and other places.

March Glands

Perennial herb, 30 to 50 cm tall. Leaves alternate; leaf blade narrowly elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, 4 to 8 cm long, 1.5 to 2 cm wide, apex rounded, base cuneate. Cup-shaped cymes, arranged in a complex umbrella-shaped; umbrellas 5, base with ovate lanceolate or triangular-ovate leafy bracts 4 to 5; each branch is divided into 2 branches, branches There are 2 triangular-ovate or broad-ovate bracts, 2 smaller leaves and 1 cup-shaped cymes at the apex of the twigs; male and female flowers are born in a cup-shaped gills of the cup, and the apex of the gills is 4 Shallow cracks, 4 glands. The capsule is smooth and glabrous. Flowering from May to June. [3] Born on a hillside or in undergrowth. Distributed several times throughout the country.


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