First, collect honey. In order to keep bees constantly in active working condition, be careful not to accumulate honey. This will not only eliminate the heat of the bees, but also increase the output. Second, the group strong group. In the early days of Liu Mi, there must be a strong group of green and strong bees. If the estimated population potential is insufficient, it should be supplemented with spleen 20 days in advance. A strong bee colony must be formed at the beginning of the honey season. Third, suitable for the trend. Before the period of honey flow, the group develops momentum. During the flow of honey, it will supplement the spleen, continue the trend of the group, and adjust the bee colony after each honeymoon period to step up recovery and proliferation. Fourth, clever use. In the flow of honey, we must make full use of the weak group breeding, strong group to get honey, the old king group breeding, the new king group to get honey, the double king group breeding, single king group to take honey and Other measures to solve the contradiction of reproduction and collecting honey. Fifth, good management. According to the length of the flowering period, honey sources are separated by a long time and take different approaches. In the short and rich main flow of honey, with the king's board to limit the queen spawning, or from the queen bee, lured to the king or the queen, interrupting spawning to increase the amount of honey production. If the flow of honey is long or separated from the next honey source, we must try our best to prepare conditions for spawning by the queen bee, or the deputy group can subsidize the spleen and collect honey, so that the honey gathering group can maintain a strong group momentum for a long time. If the long-distance pursuit of flowers and honey is continuous, then honey should be collected and propagated, so as to maintain or continuously enhance the strength of honey collection.
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