How to manage the lotus winter?

1. Fertilizer management cylinders and pots are used to grow lotus flowers. If ponds and muds rich in humus are used as the cultivation substrate, the need for additional basic fertilizers will not normally meet the needs of normal plant growth, buds, flowering, and seed setting; Soil as matrix, you need to increase the base fertilizer, with the cooked cake fat, bone meal, etc., according to a certain proportion and the mud can be mixed. Pots, cylinders, lotus cultivation of fertilizer but avoid heavy fertilizer, in particular, to prevent excessive base fertilizer, causing injury seedlings dead seedlings. If the water in the basin (cylinder) is green, bubbles appear, and the wrinkles of the fistula cannot be stretched. This is caused by excessive fertilization. Once this situation is discovered, dig out the seed pods carefully and replace the soil for replanting. Before and after the bud emergence, if the leaves appear chlorotic yellowing phenomenon, each pot (cylinder) can use 3-4 grams of high-quality compound fertilizer, from 3-4 points into the soil to promote plant growth; if strong growth, strong foliage Green, hard-to-taste, but late in flower buds, can apply phosphate and potash alone, apply appropriate amount of boron and zinc fertilizer. 2. Water management In ornamental lotus pond cultivation, it is advisable to keep 10-30 cm of shallow water at the seedling stage. When the plant enters into a vigorous growth period, the temperature is also higher at this time, and the increase of water level plays a role in adjusting the temperature with water, generally 20-40 cm. If the water level is too deep, it will inhibit the formation of branches and reduce the number of flowers. Cylinder, pot cultivation lotus, water management is critical. In general, seedlings are cultivated and planted for 2-3 cm deep water every 1 day. When the leaves grow, the water depth can be increased to 5 cm. At the same time, fresh leaflets should be protected and water moss and algae should be removed at any time. Raising the soil temperature will help the leaves stand up to the surface as quickly as possible. As the leaves rise, the temperature rises and the pot water is gradually filled. When the leaves grow 2-3 sheets, the floating leaves of the old ones are usually removed to keep the surface of the bowls airy and transparent. During the high temperature season, it is necessary to water 2-3 times a day to maintain a deep water level; even if it is raining, pay attention to filling. Once the lotus loses water, the leaf margin will quickly become scorched, resulting in the loss of buds, at least half a month of conservation can be restored. After the autumn, the plants grow slowly and gradually enter the dormancy period. The pots can maintain a small amount of water. When the temperature drops below 0°C, the pots are covered with a layer of straw or straw to facilitate safe wintering. 3. Diseases and pests management: (1) Disease prevention Lotus diseases are more, especially in the hot season, the incidence rate is particularly high. Among them, serious and widespread infestation diseases include spoilage disease, leaf spot disease, brown spot disease, and spot blight disease. Diseases should be mainly prevention. In particular, integrated agricultural control, such as selection of disease-resistant varieties, rational rotation, application of organic fertilizers, and removal of dead leaves, are effective means for reducing pests and diseases. More decomposed organic fertilizer, increased phosphorus, potassium, silicon fertilizer, control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer. Implementation of dry and dry rotations to reduce pathogen accumulation. 1 Corruption, Brown Vegetation, Blight, etc. In the initial stage of the disease, the whole plant was sprayed with 600-fold solution of thiophanate-methyl, carbendazim 50% wettable powder, etc., sprayed once every 7 days, and sprayed 2-3 times. , has a good control effect. 2 Early onset of anthrax, timely control with ether azole fungicide, such as: torch 1000-1500 times, even spray 2-3 times, you can effectively control the spread of the disease. (2) Insect pest control Timely, comprehensive and scientific control is an effective means to control lotus pests. The main insect pests that harm the lotus are: Spodoptera litura, sub-leaf mosquitoes, cone tapers, etc. 1 Spodoptera litura selection of high-quality low-toxic pesticides such as Austrian Green No. 1 or Fengmao 800 times liquid spraying pest control, required to spray the lower lotus leaf and the upper lotus leaf, spray once every 5 days, even spray 3 times Or use black light to trap adult insects. 2 The leaf-dip mosquitoes mainly harm young leaves and seedlings, and they can be controlled by 90% trichlorfon 1000 times foliar spraying to control insect pests. Potted lotus plants can be moved into a cellar or ice-free room before freezing in winter. It is also possible to excavate the underground stems after the fall and fall branches and leaves, and to bury the sand in the cellar or in the room that does not freeze for the winter. China Agricultural Network Editor

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