Application of acupuncture in raising pigs

Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy is one of the main methods for traditional veterinary control. It includes acupuncture and moxibustion, which are all to stimulate acupuncture points, clear the meridians to prevent diseases, and improve production performance. The acupuncture therapy for swine disease has a wide range of treatment, fast effect, simple and safe operation and so on. It is particularly effective in diseases such as rheumatism, delirium, colds, convulsions, indigestion, limb and foot disease, and postpartum lactation. For pigs, acupuncture is more commonly used, and is often used with prescriptions. Commonly used needle round sharp circular needles (also known as milli needles, made of stainless steel or alloy, needle diameter of about 1mm, needle body 5 ~ 10cm) and needle-like small wide needle needle tip (widest needle About 4mm, needle handle length of about 10cm) and so on. When applying the needle, all animals should be properly bred and the needles and acupoints should be cleaned and disinfected. There are many kinds of acupuncture treatments, which can be divided into large areas, such as needles, moxibustion, ironing, and ironing. Among them, there are also various kinds of clever methods. From the point of acupuncture alone, in addition to traditional white needles, electric needles, fire needles, gas needles, etc., it also includes new and innovative water needles, light needles (both laser acupuncture stimulation) and so on. For the treatment of swine disease, the commonly used treatments are the following: 1, white needle therapy. The acupuncture points of the therapy are generally at the fullness of the muscles, between the back bones of the spine, the joint bones, etc. The angles of the acupuncture without dense blood vessels are divided into three types according to different acupuncture points: straight puncture (90 degrees), oblique puncture (30 to 45 degrees) and peace (15 to 25 degrees). The depth of acupuncture depends on the size of livestock and poultry. When stabbing on the spine, beware of stabbing the internal organs. The acupuncture response depends on accurate acupuncture points and needle acupuncture methods. It can also be determined by whether the pig appears arched waist, tail lifting, local muscle contraction and skin tremor. White acupuncture therapy is commonly used in digestive system disorders, muscle flashes, frustration, peripheral nerve palsy, female infertility and stinging yellow swollen yellow water, venom outflow and so on. 2, blood acupuncture therapy. Also known as red needles, pricking blood or putting shasha. Small wide acupuncture blood, in general, the needle edge should be parallel with the blood vessels to prevent blood vessels from being cut off. Blood acupuncture points are generally shallow, bleeding can be about 0.5mm. The amount of blood loss directly affects the therapeutic effect. Heat symptoms, swelling and pain symptoms, poisoning symptoms, and swollen pigs can be put in more. Such as a number of acupuncture points to blood about 100ml, after acupuncture bleeding, generally can stop bleeding on their own, or reach a certain amount of bleeding after the pressure to stop bleeding. Blood-needling has the functions of health care, diarrhea, recuperating, antispasmodic, anti-jaundice, diarrhea, etc. It is commonly used in hot diseases such as treating cold, heatstroke, and poisoning of pigs. For some "fat pigs" with large frailties, the effect of prolonged spasms was punctured by picking up eight points of the eight points. 3, water acupuncture therapy. Also known as acupoint injection, it is a method of directly injecting acupuncture points and pain points with a liquid suitable for intramuscular injection. Tools used for water acupuncture are common injection needles and syringes. The white needle acupuncture points are generally suitable for water needles, and clinical acupuncture points can be selected according to different diseases. Such as the eye disease selected temples, digestive tract after the election of sea, spleen, Shu, respiratory diseases selected Su gas, Feishu points. Each acupoint should not be too much, generally take 1~3 points. Select the liquid for different diseases, the amount of general intramuscular injection of 1/5 ~ 1/3, a point injection of 3 ~ 5ml liquid is appropriate. Water needles are widely used for the treatment of traumatic claudication, rheumatism, nerve palsy, constipation, retention of fetal clothing, rectal prolapse, and eye diseases. 4, Carle (tail) therapy. That is, the method of treating pigs with medicines that are buried in the ear of the pig's ear (or the tail point "kawei") is also known as yellow therapy, and folks call it "pretext". It is the use of acupuncture and drug induction to induce the "endometriosis" in pigs and stimulate the body's resistance to disease. Commonly used osmanthus and vermiculite are toxic. The card medicine method is to use a wide needle to pierce the skin under the Cuer's point, provoke the skin to form a subcutaneous sac, and stuff the sphagnum or meteorites into the pouch. The card medicine will go red and swollen or the ear canals become rotten. This is for pigs. The growth did not have much effect. When card medicine is applied, only one ear can be inserted at a time. If a second card is required, the second ear must be inserted one week after the first card is applied. Up to two cards can be used. Chronic diseases of pigs, such as panting, flu, and chronic stages of certain diseases, can be treated with carer (tail) therapy when the effect of drug treatment is not obvious. Second, acupuncture points and applications commonly used pigs. Acupuncture should be focused on the selection of acupuncture points, the principle of which is adjacent to acupoints, by acupoints, with acupoints (experience acupoints) and so on. The folks also have the experience of "Dazhui retreat, Sanli therapy, cross nesting and diarrhea, lung Yuzhi asthma and cough, and Baihui disease." The effect of acupuncture is directly related to the accuracy of acupoint selection. For example, the knee arthritis is taken from the tip of the grass, the tooth is closed and the tooth is closed, the conjunctivitis is taken from the temple and the abdominal pain is taken from the Sanli point. There are two methods for determining acupoints. One is to set acupoints according to the anatomical parts of the organs, and the other is to define points according to the contours of the body surface. The two methods can work together. The following lists some commonly used acupuncture points: 1, ear tip (blood and India) points: heat stroke, cold, poisoning, hot sexual disease. 2. Acupoints in Karr: The chronic phase of asthma and certain heat diseases. 3, heart muscle (medium-strand) points: taro wind. 4, temples: liver heat spread the eyes, a cold. 5, Shangen (people) points: heat stroke, cold, coma. 6, nose (nose) points: cold, bronchitis, hot sexual disease. 7, Yu Tang points: indigestion, aphthous, stomach heat. 8, Shun Qi (chewhole) points: cough, eat less, eye disease. 9, grab wind points: forelimb sprain, rheumatism. 10, Qixing points: rheumatism, wrist swelling. 11, Yongquan: swelling, heat stroke, cold, poisoning. 12, drip points, foot fork points: hind leg swelling, heat stroke, cold, poisoning. 13, Dagu points, Xiaoyu points: hind limbs, sprains, sprains. 14, after the three points: indigestion, diarrhea, hind limb paralysis. 15, Tianmen points: heat stroke, epilepsy. 16, Dazhui points: colds, indigestion, fever and sexually transmitted diseases. 17, Su cavitation: cold, cough, gasping. 18, broken blood points: bleeding after castration, hematuria. 19, Baihui points: rheumatism, hind limb paralysis, constipation, prolapse, infertility. 20, Guan Yu points: constipation, loss of appetite. 21, Kaifeng points: Hind rheumatism, sows long-term estrus. 22, the end of this point: lumbosacral rheumatism, heat disease.

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