Spitting saliva can detect breast cancer genetic risk
September 18, 2015 Source: Xinhuanet
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Susceptible gene mutation
More susceptible to breast cancer
In recent years, the incidence of breast cancer in China has intensified. According to the data, one woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every 18 seconds. In China, the incidence of breast cancer has increased by 37% in the past decade. Breast cancer has in fact become the highest and fastest-growing cancer in the city.
In the 1990s, scientists discovered two susceptibility genes directly related to hereditary breast cancer, referred to as BRCA1 and BRCA2. Harmful mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 can be inherited by the father or mother. One parent carries a mutation, and any child has a 50% chance of a genetic mutation. In the overall population, women have a 12% risk of developing breast cancer during their lifetime, while women with BRCA1 mutations have a 5 to 6-fold higher risk of cancer, and a BRCA2 ratio of more than 4 times.
How do you know if you have these genetic mutations? Spit can be detected. According to experts, only 2 ml of saliva cells can be collected, and the full length of up to 16,000 sites can be detected for BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, and the detection results with an accuracy of 99.95% or more can be obtained.
And what is the relationship between such genetic testing and our common breast cancer screening?
According to the US NCCN Tumor Clinical Guidelines, the general population recommends an annual mammography test from the age of 40, and the high-risk population for detecting mutations is completely different. From the age of 25, mammography or mammography is required. At the age of 30, a joint examination of mammography + nuclear magnetic resonance is performed annually.
The recently established Breast Cancer Prevention and Control Alliance has proposed a four-part "precise prevention": the first is genetic testing to accurately resolve genetic risks; the second is to evaluate questionnaires, comprehensively assessing life and environmental risks including family factors, past medical history, drug factors, diet Factors, etc.; the third is the medical examination recommendations, according to the results of genetic testing and risk assessment, give personalized imaging and specialist examination recommendations; Fourth, health guidance, given the health guidance of daily life by a specialist.
Establishing 10,000 women
Genetic map of participation
Shen Tianyu, director of the Women's Cancer Prevention Fund of the China Women's Development Foundation, said that the fund is leading the development of a unique breast cancer genetic mapping research project for Chinese women. The project will be launched in more than 30 top three hospitals across the country. These hospitals are located in different parts of the country, including northeast, northwest, south China, central China and southeast. It plans to collect genetic testing samples of 10,000 women, through big data analysis and sample research. Get the genetic map perfection plan unique to Chinese women. The project is expected to be completed in two to three years, and women involved can conduct genetic testing for free.
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