Winter melon pressure melon tips

The use of vines in the rooting of the gourd knot to make the adventitious roots form secondary absorption groups and increase nutrient supply. Manna method is: Select sunny, in the main vines 3 to 4 nodes pressure mud, pressure 2 to 3 segments, so that adventitious roots proliferation, increase the ability to absorb nutrients.

When the melon vines grow to about 30 centimeters, they can be inserted into bamboo vines and framed by vines. The height of the scaffold is 1.5 meters. A thicker cross beam is fixed and fixed. When the vines are introduced, the vines are directed according to the direction of the pods. The cross beam can help the melon leaves to obstruct the sun and prevent burns.

Generally melon melons on the main cranberry, therefore, in order to concentrate nutrients, supply the main vine's vegetative growth, it is necessary to remove lateral vines in time, which is conducive to ventilation, light transmission and pollination. The melon cultivars need to be selected before and after the 28th internode of the main vine, and the young melons with uniform melon shape, short guadi, and no pest damage are selected to cultivate larger melons. After the young larvae are selected, the re-emerging female flowers should be removed. When the young larvae grow to 2 to 3 kilograms, they can be used to grow the melon hanging on the beam. After the melons were left, the seedlings were further extended to 10 knots and the tops were removed to concentrate the nutrient supply.

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