10 most nutritious fruits for health

Apple ranked first, because Apple is rich in fiber, can add enough fiber to the human body, reduce the incidence of heart disease, you can also lose weight. Many Americans take fruit as a must-have, dieting one day a week, eating only apples this day, known as "Apple Day."

One Singaporean summed up the experience of eating apples: Obese people eat sweet apples, diabetics eat sour apples, constipation eat ripe apples, cure diarrhea and eat raw apples. Apple is rich in nutrients, able to exercise, prevent diseases, and treat diseases. Experiments show that: Diabetic patients should eat sour apples; prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease and obesity should choose sweet apples; treat constipation can eat ripe apples; eat fresh apples before bedtime, can eliminate oral bacteria, improve kidney function; Juice can prevent coughing and scorpion deafness; eating apple mud after warming is a good pharmacy side for indigestion among children and the elderly.

Second place: Apricot, rich in beta carotene, can help people to take vitamin A;

Third place: Banana, high in potassium, which is good for human heart and muscle function;

Fourth place: Blackberry, equal weight Blackberry fiber content is more than three times that of other fruits, no doubt helpful for heart health;

Fifth place: Blueberry is a kind of special fruit. Eating more blueberry can reduce the risk of urinary tract infection.

Sixth: melon, vitamin A and C are high in content and are ideal for vitamin supplements;

7th place: Cherries can help people protect their heart health;

Eighth: Bilberry can help reduce the risk of urinary tract infections;

Ninth: grapefruit, vitamin C content is high;

Tenth place: purple grapes, its flavonoids and other substances can provide triple protection to the heart.

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