Plant properties
Evergreen woody vines, up to 10m long, with milk. Stems brown, much branched, twigs pubescent. Leaves opposite, shortly stipitate, grayish brown pubescent when young, glabrescent; leaves ovate-lanceolate or elliptic, 2-10cm long, 1-4.5cm wide, apex mucronulate or obtuse, base broadly cuneate Or round, full, dark green on the surface, light green on the back, finely napped. Cymes axillary or terminal; flowers white, salverform, insignificant, 5-parted; tube outside puberulent, tube dilated; corolla revolute, 5-lobed, arranged in right rotation, corolla outside and The larynx also has pilose; stamens 5, inserted in the middle of the corolla tube, the apex of the anther does not extend beyond the corolla throat; the disk is annularly 5-lobed, equidistant from the ovary; carpels 2, ovules numerous. The fruit is cylindrical, about 15cm long, and extends nearly horizontally. Seeds are linear and flat, brown, with hairs on top. Flowering from April to May and fruit ripening from October.
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